Normally, adjunct college faculty members spend an inordinate amount of time and energy helping college and university students get back on their academic feet at during the first year of attending college. However, today the situation works in reverse, or rather it can work in reverse if the right perception of post-secondary education is grasped by the academic with a graduate degree. Distance education technology is making available the online bachelor degree program and the online master degree program at unprecedented levels because it is much easier to distribute college level instruction from a computer server that it is from inside of a physical college or university classroom. As practically any adjunct college instructor teaching in a physical classroom on a traditional university or college campus can testify, there is really no hope for earning a decent living on what the academic administrators are willing to pay the adjunct college professors to teach an individual college course. So, the academic with a Ph.D. or masters degree that does want to pay the rent from teaching college and university students should begin to view college and university students as the market for the academic and technical skills necessary to teach online for a variety of online college degree programs. In this way the students earning, for example, a bachelors degree online, can help an aggressive online adjunct instructor with half a dozen online college courses in online teaching portfolio actually generate enough online adjunct income streams to qualify as a real living. In this way it is actually the students that are helping the college teachers back on their financial feet because today’s college and university students are eager to enroll in online college courses that lead to an online master in teaching, an online bachelor of nursing degree or a registered nursing degree online. What is more, the student populations of community colleges, state colleges and more universities are ballooning beyond the administrators’ abilities to meet their educational needs even with online degree programs.
It is estimated that currently seventy percent of the post-secondary student population still does not have access to the online college courses they want to enroll in and attend every semester because of the bureaucratic hesitancy inherent in academic institutions funded by the state. Granted, the for-profit colleges are humming along quite nicely now because they recognized the efficiency of distance education technology a decade ago, and they are primary markets for the prospective online adjunct instructor wishing to develop an online teaching schedule containing multiple online college courses. The point, however, of this shortfall in available online college degree programs is that there will be plenty of college and university teaching work to be had if the online adjunct instructor makes a commitment to change directions and transition out of all the physical college and university classroom and into multiple online degree programs. Ultimately, the future of post-secondary education belongs to the academics addressing it in forthright, determined and focused manner and going after the online college courses that still do not have online instructors teaching them. The best place to start applying for online faculty positions is to visit the websites of community colleges, state colleges, for-profit colleges, technical schools and four-year universities, locate the link on the first page that leads to the faculty application section and start submitting applications for online adjunct instructor positions on a daily basis.
Online College Teaching Jobs is a blog designed to stress the importance of discovering the employment opportunities available to college adjuncts who teach online college classes.
Confront Academic Downturn with Accredited Distance Education
Traditional adjunct college faculty members and educators with graduate degrees, a Ph.D. or master degree, need to take a hard look at accredited distance education as a way to actually earn a real living from the delivery of post-secondary educational instruction before they are at a last-ditch. It is not a coincidence that today’s college and university students are enrolling in record numbers in online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs. Further, it is not serendipitous that for-profit colleges have enjoyed for the last decade outstanding student enrollments and expansions of their various online college degree programs. Additionally, the very reason that massive layoffs in the education industry are occurring today is directly related to the soaring cost of building out in maintaining the physical plants known as college and university campuses. The simple truth of the matter is that the administrators at all levels of the Academy are now forced to make a choice between paying academics in living wage or maintaining the physical college and university classrooms and the university and college campuses all of which the classrooms sit. The reality is these administrators cannot do both despite their desire to act in a way that is economically beneficial to teachers of college students. Of course, the same situation is in play at the secondary level, so there are many more academically qualified intellectuals that need to make the transition from the physical classroom to online degree programs and begin to earn decent incomes as online adjunct instructors.
College and university students today are enrolling in various online college degree programs in unprecedented numbers. This is hardly surprising since they understand that using their personal computers at home and at work to earn a human resources degree online, a master’s degree in education online or a masters degree in psychology is a much more cost efficient and a much more effective way to manage their time than driving miles to a remote physical university campus and sitting for hours listening to a lecture only to have to drive back to work or home after class is over. These students would prefer to access their online college classes at any time of the day or night, and academic administrators realize that it is much cheaper to meet educational needs and demands of these college and university students by delivering post-secondary instruction on the Internet from a computer server that is to continue building and maintaining physical college classrooms.
For these reasons, the alert educator with an earned graduate degree will start looking as soon as possible to the thousands of community colleges, state colleges, four-year universities, for-profit colleges and technical schools that offer some form of accredited distance education to their student populations. As more students enrolled in online college courses in effort to earn an online college degree, the greater the need there will be for academically qualified and technically proficient online adjunct instructors to teach them. The agile online adjunct instructor with an online teaching schedule of six to ten online college courses to teach each day can achieve intellectual satisfaction, and the online adjunct income streams derived from teaching for these online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs could possibly be greater and more dependable than an educator would think possible at first blush.
College and university students today are enrolling in various online college degree programs in unprecedented numbers. This is hardly surprising since they understand that using their personal computers at home and at work to earn a human resources degree online, a master’s degree in education online or a masters degree in psychology is a much more cost efficient and a much more effective way to manage their time than driving miles to a remote physical university campus and sitting for hours listening to a lecture only to have to drive back to work or home after class is over. These students would prefer to access their online college classes at any time of the day or night, and academic administrators realize that it is much cheaper to meet educational needs and demands of these college and university students by delivering post-secondary instruction on the Internet from a computer server that is to continue building and maintaining physical college classrooms.
For these reasons, the alert educator with an earned graduate degree will start looking as soon as possible to the thousands of community colleges, state colleges, four-year universities, for-profit colleges and technical schools that offer some form of accredited distance education to their student populations. As more students enrolled in online college courses in effort to earn an online college degree, the greater the need there will be for academically qualified and technically proficient online adjunct instructors to teach them. The agile online adjunct instructor with an online teaching schedule of six to ten online college courses to teach each day can achieve intellectual satisfaction, and the online adjunct income streams derived from teaching for these online bachelor degree programs and online master degree programs could possibly be greater and more dependable than an educator would think possible at first blush.
Online College Jobs Move a Teaching Career Forward
The state race to layoff as many public education instructors as possible is gaining speed with each passing month, and there is real issue evolving for those intellectuals that are forced to look elsewhere for a way to support themselves and their families. It is such a muddle that it is entirely understandable how an individual with an earned graduate degree could fall into a sort of professional despair over the prospects of ever being able to earn a decent living again by teaching students. The fact of the matter is that online college jobs can move a teaching career forward but only if the educators has a graduate degree, a Ph.D. or master’s degree, or is willing to invest the time and money to earn one before applying to teach for online bachelor degree programs and online masters degree programs. Of course, it is extremely helpful to have documentary experience teaching at the post-secondary level of the academy, so traditional adjunct college faculty members are prime candidates for faculty positions teaching online classes, but an aggressive educators can overcome the lack of college and university teaching experience simply because there is a crying need now and well into the future for academically qualified and technical prepared online adjunct instructors is growing by leaps and bounds. Plus, new and returning college and university students and academic administrators are all on the same page about the real benefits accredited distance learning programs although for different reasons.
Today’s university student considers a personal computer and access to the Internet as a way of life, and they see clearly that enrolling in online college degree programs and earning an online associate nursing degree, an online master in teaching or a business management degree online using these digital tools. After all, college students understand that it is much more efficient and less costly to attend an online college course from home or at work than it is to drive a vehicle to a physical campus and sitting for hours at odd times of the day or night only to have to drive the vehicle back to home or work. So for the college, university and community colleges students attending online college courses is an excellent choice for earning an online college degree and increasing their chances to improve their employment prospects as the economy improves in the future. The academic administrators that have to meet the educational needs of student populations that are larger than at any time in the last sixty to seventy years are struggling with disappearing budgetary funds that are required to simply maintain the physical college classrooms and the campuses on which they reside.
The combination of increasing opportunity for unemployed educators and underemployed academics as a result in the rise of online college jobs, the outright acceptance of online college courses by students and the genuine need for a less expensive delivery system for post-secondary instruction on the part of administrators is a distinctly positive aspect of distance education technology. The alert academic will take note of these changes in the academic labor market and start applying for employment opportunities for teaching jobs online as soon as possible.
Today’s university student considers a personal computer and access to the Internet as a way of life, and they see clearly that enrolling in online college degree programs and earning an online associate nursing degree, an online master in teaching or a business management degree online using these digital tools. After all, college students understand that it is much more efficient and less costly to attend an online college course from home or at work than it is to drive a vehicle to a physical campus and sitting for hours at odd times of the day or night only to have to drive the vehicle back to home or work. So for the college, university and community colleges students attending online college courses is an excellent choice for earning an online college degree and increasing their chances to improve their employment prospects as the economy improves in the future. The academic administrators that have to meet the educational needs of student populations that are larger than at any time in the last sixty to seventy years are struggling with disappearing budgetary funds that are required to simply maintain the physical college classrooms and the campuses on which they reside.
The combination of increasing opportunity for unemployed educators and underemployed academics as a result in the rise of online college jobs, the outright acceptance of online college courses by students and the genuine need for a less expensive delivery system for post-secondary instruction on the part of administrators is a distinctly positive aspect of distance education technology. The alert academic will take note of these changes in the academic labor market and start applying for employment opportunities for teaching jobs online as soon as possible.
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