
Online Faculty Positions Grow Rapidly

Distance education technology has matured to the point over the last decade that it is possible for students and college teachers alike to completely avoid traveling to a remote campus in order to fully participate in post-secondary education. For example, an academically qualified individual with a master’s degree or Ph.D. can teach multiple online college courses filled with college and university students earning an online nursing degree, an online engineering degree or an online marketing degree by mastering the functions of a personal computer with access to the Internet. This ability to generate a real income from online teaching may sound fantastic to a lot of traditional college instructors, but the reality is that the individuals responsible for managing the budgetary funds of a community college or state university are now starting to confront the cost-effectiveness of digital delivers of instruction.

This is quite important given the current academic labor environment. As the semesters roll by there will be a steady increase in the numbers of traditional college and university teachers, and, indeed, for any teacher with an earned graduate degree, and these academics will need to either supplement their incomes or entirely replace them with other forms of teaching. As more online bachelor degree programs and online masters degree programs come online as a result of the cost cutting effort engaged in by academic administrators, the more opportunities there will be to fill an online teaching portfolio with online faculty positions.

Certainly, five to eight online college classes that can be taught from an inexpensive laptop computer is preferable to not having any teaching work at all. Of course, many adjunct college instructors can’t imagine not having to spend their meager paychecks on gasoline and vehicle repairs in order to travel between two or three physical campuses, if they are lucky and live in an urban area that actually has more than one or two community colleges or state universities, but it is possible for the alert educator willing to master the pursuit of adjunct online teaching opportunities to generate a decent living throughout the year from teaching online.

The best approach for a beginning online adjunct instructor is to develop a list of the thousands of post-secondary academic institution, including all of the for-profit colleges that over their students online college degrees. After a list is compiled, and there needs to be at least one thousand schools in it, it is time to start visiting the websites of each school. Rest assured that every college and university now has a fully functional website. On the front page of each school’s website is a link that will lead to the faculty application section. This section is designed to make submitting the appropriate academic credentials easy and quick. It is important to continue submitting application to teach for the school’s online degree programs until a response from the school is received and acted upon by the prospective online adjunct instructor. Even if the response from the college or university is negative, the online adjunct professor should continue to submit applications until a positive response is received by email. The reason for this continuing activity is that the schools are still deploying online college classes in an attempt to deal with failing budgetary issues and could easily introduce a new online degree programs in a matters of weeks.

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