
Save Money With Online College Teaching Jobs

When considering the prospect of applying for multiple online college teaching jobs, it would be a very good idea to factor in the savings realized by not having to drive hundreds, if not thousands, of miles in a personal vehicle in order to arrive in front of a physical classroom full of college students. In a recent post at the Chronicle of Higher Education, a college teacher noted that in order to earn fifty thousand dollars as an adjunct he had to drive a tremendous number of miles between physical campuses, and he was lucky enough to live in a place that actually had a large number of community colleges, colleges and universities to drive to every day. Today, it is not necessary to even possess a personal vehicle in order to bring an income of fifty thousand from teaching college students English, math or history.

Owning and maintaining a personal vehicle while trying to earn a decent living as a college adjunct is a real financial headache. The vehicle must be fueled and repaired if it breaks down, and that money for these things has to come out of the often meager pay for teaching adjunct college classes. The maturation of the technology required for offering new and returning college students the opportunity to earn an online bachelor degree or an online masters degree by attending online college courses also makes it possible for a person with a graduate degree to earn a comfortable living by teaching those students without ever once starting up a personal vehicle.

So, in the end it is possible to earn the same 50 thousand dollars a year as the person from the Chronicle without having to spend part of that money for a vehicle. Imagine how much it would cost to transport you and your teaching materials from campus to campus every day. Once you have calculated that sum, imagine keeping it in your pocket. The savings alone can easily represent an extra income stream from online college teaching jobs. The same could be said about the expense of the meals eaten out while teaching traditional classes, the innumerable cups of often expensive coffee drunk while driving between college classes and the extra clothes necessary to make yourself professionally presentable on the traditional campus.

It is these exact monetary savings that increase the economic value of online instructor job openings to those who are seeking a way to earn a living wage after being unemployed by a corporate entity or for those who wish to supplement their traditional post secondary teaching income. Additionally, online teaching job opportunities offer on-ground college teachers a real chance to greatly increase their earnings by adding a variety of online college classes to their teaching portfolio. The affordability of personal computers and the growing numbers of online college degree programs make online teaching a very real way to make a decent living while saving a considerable amount of money in the process. Online college teaching jobs may well represent the best of all possible worlds in a period during which unemployment is becoming a way of life and saving money by not spending it to work is quickly becoming a premium economic survival skill.

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